Award winning sloe gin recipe

A really delicious alcoholic drink that can be drunk neat or added to a cocktail, sloe gin is easy to make with fruits from the hedgerow

Let’s make sloe gin

Why make sloe gin? It is a gorgeous tipple. Drink a tot on its own or add to a cocktail. Make in early autumn so it’s ready for Christmas.

Its latin name is prunus spinosa which might give you a clue to its spiky nature. Do go armed with gloves! Look for the blackberry bushes and if you’re lucky you’ll find the sloe bushes also known as blackthorn. They can grow up to 6 or 7 metres high and live for 100 years! But the ones round here are much smaller. The fruits are mostly similar in size to a blueberry although I did find some woppers this year.

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Capreolus Distillery – Prepare to be amazed

Barney working with the still at Caproulus Distillery

Spirit of the Year 2016

Drive down an ordinary road in Cirencester, park and walk down the path to Capreolus  distillery (Capreolus is the latin name for a roe deer). To one side is the area where the ingredients are processed. On the other side is the distillery itself. It’s housed in the lean-to greenhouse of Barney Wilczak’s childhood home. The garage is now designated a bonded warehouse – there can’t be many of those in Gloucestershire.

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Classic Pierre Koffman

Pierre Koffman with young team at Bath Priory

What would you say is a chef’s finest accolade? It could be the number of Michelin stars gained, the length of time in business or perhaps the number of our finest chefs who were trained in his kitchen. For Pierre Koffman it must be all three.

A spread from Classic Koffman. Beautiful photographs of the finished dish and of preparation
A spread from Classic Koffman. Beautiful photographs of the finished dish and of preparation

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Let’s reclaim jelly – try this recipe

Make jelly for yourself not the kids!

When I was little, I loved nothing more than chewing on jelly cubes usually red and made by Rowntree – what a treat.

As I got older, I rarely ate jelly. It was only when Marks & Spencer introduced their pots of raspberry jelly and again I was hooked. Now, a fruity homemade jelly is hard to beat. If you need an excuse, do make it for your children or grandchildren.

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Escape to Thailand at Thaikun

Thaikhun Bath - Warm and welcoming

Last week I ate in Bangkok. Bath masquerading Bangkok to be exact. It was a chilly evening when my husband and I walked into Thaikhun. There was an immediate assault on the senses: colour, noise, people and stuffLook up and there are all sorts of items hanging from the ceiling including signs in a language we didn’t know, household utensils, some very old TVs, networks of wires wrapped round what looked like telegraph poles. We then noticed the bar to the left where much energetic shaking was going on and to the right a very shiny kitchen semi-open to diners. The space is large but cleverly split into different areas.

A peep into the kitchen - lots of training going on
A peep into the kitchen – lots of training going on

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Mini berry rum baba recipe

Mini berry babas served in ramekins

Each month 180 Clandestine Cake groups celebrate cake. I take part in the Gloucester group and share a recipe for berry babas.

Lunch in Cirencester: Cafe Mosaic

Twice baked cheese souffle at Cafe Mosaic, Cirencester

You don’t really expect to get a recipe when you visit a Café for lunch, yet this is what happened when we ate at Café Mosaic in Cirencester.

I love cheese soufflé. It is my show off dish and I make it regularly. My friend Amy is equally obsessed with all types of soufflé. She has been known to visit  various restaurants in Edinburgh eating nothing but soufflé

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