Food books for you

The Wonky Stove - borshch

Choose a Food Book for Christmas Favourite books about food and cookbooks for Christmas. Some are new this year, others are classics you might have missed. We’ve chosen our favourites, …

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Books for Foodies 2022

Book Collage

Recommended books for food lovers Whether you want to give a book as a present or to put one or more on your wishlist, here’s my recommendations for food lovers. …

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Food and Cookery books 2020

Cookbook wish list

Tried and tested – cook books that I heartily recommend I love a good book, preferably a cookery book or one about food. Recently, I’ve been more ruthless getting rid …

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How do you take your coffee?

A delicious coffee recipe - Curry Meat Balls, Quarry Books, an imprint of The Quarto Group

Cooking with Coffee Why don’t we use coffee more in cooking and particularly in savoury dishes? I think it’s time to experiment. Recently, I tried some coffee marinaded pork chops …

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Food inspiration: Recipes from Pakistan and India

Mung Been Curry from Mira Manek's Saffron Soul

Cookery Book Review

There is always room for one more book about food. I love that sense of anticipation. Will I find a recipe that I will cook many times? What ingredients will I need? Will I discover what makes a chef tick?

This month, I’ve been reading about desserts from Pakistan, healthy food from India and a fascinating glimpse of how a Michelin starred chef creates his dishes.

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Discovering Cotswolds food and drink

Cotswold Cookery Book

If you visit a new area, where do you choose to eat and drink? Of course you ask people you meet, but with an area as large as the Cotswolds, you’ll inevitably not find all the gems.

Cotswold Cook Book

The Cotswold Cook Book will help. It celebrates the amazing food and drink in the Cotswold and includes more than 40 recipes. I’ve been reading through and getting very hungry. I’ve also started to plan visits to many of the places mentioned. What better way than to read a recipe and think, “I’d like to visit and try more”.

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