Danielle Ellis trained as a professional bread baker in France in 2014 at Ecole Banette. She runs a variety of breadmaking courses in Gloucestershire and online including bread baking, sourdough, sweet doughs, pastry and pizza making classes. The emphasis is on providing skills that can be replicated at home.
In addition, for those wishing to progress to professional level, Danielle runs advice sessions online and in person. Danielle bakes in a Rofco bread oven. Providing tips and guidance on how to to use the Rofco oven and breadmaking in bulk is a particular interest for those starting out with a microbakery.
She has created a series of breadmaking techniques Bake Better Bread ,and regularly creates recipes to share.
How Danielle can help you
Classes and demonstrations
- Do you run a holiday rental business? Guests are always looking for something new to do. I can to bespoke classes at your location.
- Are you looking for a speaker or a breadmaking demonstration at your event? She works with John Lewis, Flavours Holidays, the Women’s Institute and other organisations providing demonstrations and hands on classes. Online and in person options available.
Judging at your event
As a fully qualified NFWI judge, Danielle is available to judge at your show or event. She regularly judges at the World Bread Awards, the Grocer New Product Awards and local food shows and carries out assignments for Taste of the West.
Recipe Development
Do you want to make a delicious product for your business that will set it apart? Together we can create signature breads buns and pastries
“It all started with Richard Bertinet who runs the Bertinet Kitchen Cookery School. Many years ago, I took a croissant making class with him thinking I knew plenty about bread. It turned out I didn’t. After saving up and taking his 5-day bread class I was inspired – but what should I do next?
After many years in marketing, I needed a change. To cut a long story short, I decided to train professionally. First of all I went to France under the WWOOF scheme (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) and had a fascinating time working in a bakery in Normandy that eschewed any machinery. If I could manipulate 25 kilos of dough, I could do anything! Hear my story on the Storied Recipe Podcast
Not finding anywhere in the UK suitable at the time, in 2014 I went to Briare in France to learn to be a professional baker with Banette. More than 300 Banette branded bakeries exist all over France. The course I followed usually leads to participants opening their own bakery. Unusually, the class was opened to foreign participants. Over 4 months, I learnt not only bread making techniques but how to run a bakery. You can read my diary on the Edinburgh Foody blog.
I founded the Edinburgh Foody blog in 2010. I worked with many well known brands and PR companies and grew the blog to the highest ranking in the city with a writing panel of 4. Whilst still living in Edinburgh, I ran bread classes teaching adults and children and also chefs who wanted to add bread skills to their portfolios. I moved to Gloucestershire in 2016 and now teach classes from my home”.
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