The Christmas Tag- What I love about Christmas

It’s fun to try something new. I am joining in with in a Christmas tag where fellow bloggers share their thoughts by answering and sharing questions. It’s also my chance to share my brandy butter recipe.

I have to declare straight away, that if I had a magic wand, I would ensure that not a peep was heard about Christmas until the 1st December, or perhaps any later? Having said that, I’d need to sneak in making the Christmas cake, pudding and mincemeat before my deadline.

Flaming the Christmas Pudding

The Questions

What’s your favourite Christmas movie?

Definitely It’s a Wonderful Life. Preferably viewed in my local independent cinema. It’s on in Bristol hint hint.

It's a Wonderful Life starring James Stewart
It’s a Wonderful Life starring James Stewart

Have You Ever Had a White Christmas?

I don’t think so. Closest would be watching the White Christmas film. Okay, I do love old movies.

Where Do You Usually Spend Your Holiday

We usually spend Christmas together as a family. I love the fact that they are half an hour down the road now instead of a gruelling 7 hour drive from Scotland.

What Is Your Favourite Christmas Song?

I’ll choose Mike Oldfield in Dulci Jubilo it’s upbeat and not irritating and the carol I’ll choose the Coventry Carol as it is so different to others and dates back so far.

Can You Name All of Santa’s Reindeers?

Rudolph of course but the others … Donner and Blitzen?

What Christmas Traditions Are You Looking Forward to This Year?

I follow recipes handed down by both my family and my husband’s. Although each year, I push the boundaries a little. The Christmas pudding might be made with a different local ale rather than the original barley wine. I might find a different technique for the Christmas cake. On the day itself, there has to be lashings of brandy butter of course. It’s also about making new traditions. More recently I have begun to make sloe gin as the berries are so wonderful locally.

What Is the Best Christmas Present You Ever Received?

Rather than single out one thing, I’d say the wonderful Christmas stockings that Father Christmas left for me each year!

Most Memorable Christmas Memory?

As a very new mother, I remember taking my 6 week old daughter in a festive red and white baby grow to a Christmas party to meet friends. I was both proud and very nervous. It was all so new.

What Made You Realise the Truth About Santa?

What do you mean?

What Makes Christmas Time Special for You?

The chance to catch up with family and relax – especially when the Christmas lunch has been delivered succssfully

I make my own mincemeat for a taste so much superior to shop bought
I make my own mincemeat for a taste so much superior to shop bought

You might like to discover how these blogging friends answered these questions:

Jamie from Thrifty Mumma Thrifty Bubba

Janey from Lady Janey

Have a great Christmas!

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